A New Way Forward

The Challenge: Creating a brand identity to reflect the visionary work of NEW
NEW provides support (both tactical and visionary) to nonprofit and community organizations across SE Michigan. NEW leads the way — serving as an example and inspiration to many of how a nonprofit might reimagine solutions and increase impact.
NEW was ready for a new logo and website. Over years, the structure of the site had begun to sprawl, and while it directed people to the services that NEW provided, the organization is much more than a service provider. They are leaders who are helping the sector of nonprofits in Michigan make powerful and positive shifts. How might a new identity show this quality? In addition, stock photography and the logo wasn’t evoking the power and authenticity they radiate.
We created a logo for NEW that used a typeface designed by Tré Seals, of Vocal Type, a Black typographer who looks towards the history of social activism as inspiration. Martin, the font, draws from civil rights era protest signage.
Since we developed the brand identity and website, we’ve been delighted to see how well NEW implements it. The visual system is both consistent and expressive— and they are making it work so well!
We are proud that the work we did helps support the work they do! NEW’s influence extends through the region in a way that is aligned to who they are, what they believe, and the transformative work they’re doing.
Ann Arbor, Michigan
Discovery & Strategy
Site Structure
Art Direction
Site Design and Development
Print Design